2024 Costume Drive
The Del Mar Heights PTA's philanthropic program, Heights Cares, is thrilled to continue its annual tradition of doing a Halloween Costume Drive. It will take place the week of October 14th - October 16th. Collection bins will be located before and after school by the front office.
We would love to hear your recommendations on where to donate the costumes! Please email suggestions to [email protected]
We would love to hear your recommendations on where to donate the costumes! Please email suggestions to [email protected]
Candy Give Back
The Del Mar Heights PTA's philanthropic program, Heights Cares, is thrilled to continue its annual "Great Halloween Candy Giveback" for Operation Gratitude. Rather than having your kids consume all that candy, this is a great way for them to share some of their trick-or-treat bounty! Additionally, every child that donates will get a free toothbrush. Collection bins will be located by the front office and the car line drop off area before school.
We are also looking for volunteers to help collect the candy
Sign Up Here
We are also looking for volunteers to help collect the candy
Sign Up Here
Beach Clean-Up
September 2024
Heights Cares set up on the sand and Del Mar Heights families helped pick up many buckets of trash the day after Labor Day. We are committed to keeping our beaches clean and supporting our vibrant ecosystem. Thank you to everyone who came out!
Heights Cares set up on the sand and Del Mar Heights families helped pick up many buckets of trash the day after Labor Day. We are committed to keeping our beaches clean and supporting our vibrant ecosystem. Thank you to everyone who came out!
Heights Cares is a Philanthropic Program to inspire our children to become passionate lifelong learners and responsible world citizens.
The Heights Cares program was launched in 2015 to provide a wonderful enrichment to our children’s education experience, one that would awaken the power we all have to make a difference in the world. We hope that through both local community and global community service, Heights students will learn to become leaders of change in their communities.
See previous and ongoing projects below.
Contact Christina Galione to get involved!
The Heights Cares program was launched in 2015 to provide a wonderful enrichment to our children’s education experience, one that would awaken the power we all have to make a difference in the world. We hope that through both local community and global community service, Heights students will learn to become leaders of change in their communities.
See previous and ongoing projects below.
Contact Christina Galione to get involved!
Previous Heights CARES
This annual event, partners with a local dentist and Operation Gratitude to send Halloween candy and Thank You notes to troops overseas during the holidays. Rather than having your kids consume all that candy, it's a great way for them to share some of their trick-or-treat bounty!
Feeding America: Volunteer Days
9/14/19 & Saturday, November 2, 2019, 9-11am Feeding America San Diego provides food to more than 480,000 children, families, and seniors every year. Heights Cares members volunteer several times a year to sort food at their distribution center in Mira Mesa |
2022-2023 Costume DriveHelen Woodward Animal Center Towel & Sheet Drive
September 16-20, 2019 Heights Cares collects hundreds of towels and sheets donated by Heights families this year for the Helen Woodward Animal Center. Our kindergarten classes deliver the donations to the shelter during their fall field trip, along with dozens of felt pet toys they made in class. |
Beach Cleanups!
Dates vary throughout the school year. Heights Cares will be continuing its tradition of helping to keep our coasts clear! We'll be doing several cleanups throughout the year. Watch for notices on our next event and come join us to keep our beaches clean and support our vibrant ecosystem! Halloween Costume Exchange
October 7-11, 2019 Please join us as we celebrate 4 years of being socially and environmentally responsible! Instead of rushing out to buy an expensive last-minute costume that kids will only wear one year, families who participate in the Fourth Annual Halloween Costume Exchange save money by swapping their old costumes for "new" ones while saving some room in their closets! Unclaimed costumes were donated to the Monarch School. "Stuff the Stocking" Toiletry Drive & 6th Grade Bake Sale
December 2019 6th graders raised a total of $267.39 and were able to purchase 250 toiletry items for the Monarch School. The Stuff the Stocking drive at school also generated a large amount, giving us a grand total of 1,220 TOILETRY ITEMS DONATED! ![]() Give Back the Pack June 11, 2020 At the end of the year, parents are invited to sign up their student's backpack to be donated if they are not going to use the backpack for the next school year. Over 50 backpacks were donated last year to the homeless population at the Third Avenue Charitable Organization. ![]() Boomerang Lunch
Did you know the average student generates more than 60 pounds of trash from their lunches each school year? To raise awareness of this fact and help reduce waste, Heights Cares put on the school's very first Boomerang Lunch! A boomerang lunch is a lunch that has every piece returned home at the end of the day, including the garbage! Just for this one day, we asked kids who brought their lunches to school to pack up everything they brought with them and take it home once they're done eating. Kids who ordered hot lunches separated their trays and leftovers for composting, recycling and landfill. Parents can help take the lesson further by discussing at home ways you can shift towards waste-free lunches! |
Harvest Fest Pumpkin Patch
October 2, 2019 Heights Cares partners with the Harvest Fest committee to setup a pumpkin patch. All proceeds were donated to Feeding America this year. The Great Candy Giveback
November 1-6, 2019 Heights Cares typically collects more than 400 pounds of candy and sweets to support Operation Gratitude, which sends care packages to U.S. service members! THANK YOU, Dr. Curtis Chan, DDS., for helping with this SWEET initiative and for providing nifty prizes! Sports Equipment Exchange
March 20-24, 2020 Have your kids outgrown their skis? Need to do a little spring cleaning? Trade in your children’s clean, gently used sporting equipment and clothing. Drop off will be before school in the MUR. Pick-up will be after school in the Library. Similar to the Costume Exchange, you’ll earn points for items you bring in (larger or more valuable items will be worth more points). You’ll be able to redeem your points when you pick-up your exchange items. Unclaimed items at the end of the event will be donated to charity. We’ll send out more information as the event nears. So, mark your calendars and start setting aside items! ![]() Nothing But Nets 2018-2019 Schoolwide Fundraiser Our 2018/2019 school-wide fundraiser was organized to support the Nothing But Nets campaign and was a huge success. Nothing But Nets is an international grassroots initiative to raise awareness and funds to fight the spread of malaria. Throughout a two week campaign, students and the greater Del Mar Heights community raised a whopping $3,152.95! The money we raised was enough for 630 insecticide treated mosquito nets with the potential to save 1,260 people. To continue our positive impact and save lives in Africa, donations can continue to made to this site https://fundraise.unfoundation.org/team/228673 |